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Quantum Setup Utility (TN538)

Q338 and Q225 consoles

Quantum Hardware Setup Utility for Quantum Consoles (v1454 onwards)


Quantum Setup is a new program that has been added to Quantum2 & Quantum3 console to simplify the setup of Worksurface, Engine and Local IO COM ports when individual hardware sections have been changed.

This process should be followed anytime a Worksurface, Local IO or Engine is changed.



  1. Power on Console.
  2. On the Master Screen, select System>Quit to Windows. This will close the
    application and show Quantum Home.
  3. Using the Mouse, click Settings>Advanced Settings>Unlock System Settings.
    A confirmation box will appear on the screen. Click Yes. Quantum home will ask
    you to restart the console. Click OK and the console will restart and stop in
    Quantum Home.
  4. Once the console has booted into Quantum home, an information popup box will
    appear on the screen explaining that the “system is now configurable”. Click OK.
  5. In Settings>File Browser Navigate to and run
  6. The following window will appear. The Quantum 2 & Quantum 3 versions will
    show the surface activity buttons for each console. This example is for
    Quantum3. The main window lists the Worksurfaces, Local IO and Engine

  7. Click Start
    The Window will now show each COM port assigned to the correct device.

  8. Adjusting any control on each worksurface will highlight the appropriate
    Worksurface activity button as shown.

  9. Click Save and Quit
  10. From Quantum Home, Start the console application and from the Master Screen,
    go to System>diagnostics and check that all worksurfaces, Engine and Local IO
    can are reported as present and running.
  11. On the Master Screen, select System>Quit to Windows. This will close the
    application and show Quantum Home.
  12. Using the Mouse, click Settings>Advanced Settings>Lock System Settings. A
    confirmation box will appear on the screen. Click OK. The Console will now
    restart and Boot into the Quantum Application.

Note: A new version of QuantumX_test.exe (V1.10 for Q2 and V6.3 for Q3)
accompanies this release which has had the “Auto Configure Surface Ports” button
removed from the Configure port panel

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