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Q3 System Unlock/Lock (TN476A)

The following notes details how to Unlock the Q3 System to allow certain OS settings to be changed


Introduction to System Settings Protection

The mixer operating system features a lock similar to HORM (Hibernate Once Read Many) and is
a Windows 10 (embedded version) function an equivalent to Ready On as used on the older SDseries consoles based on Win XP(embedded version).

The functionality of this is slightly different but in the same way is intended to protect the C:\ Drive
from unintended changes.

The method of making changes is quite different to the older system and is described below.
A difference that is immediately seen between this lock and Ready-On is that there is no white
progress bar on start up.

*In the case of a corrupted preventing the console starting up correctly, holding the
SHIFT key will still offer the option of a “default start”. Hold the SHIFT key as soon as you see the
Quantum logo appear on the Master screen.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Refer to TN476 for overview screen installation and setup

Unlocking the system will allow certain settings to be changed and saved permanently. Most
typically this is done to install replacement worksurfaces and other local controllers.


Use of Systems Settings feature to enable changes to the OS

The access System Settings quit to Windows from the mixer program.
Touch “Quit to Windows” under the system button.
See the Quantum Home page

Quantum Home.jpg

Click on the “Settings” button on lower screen bar
See the selection of programs available

Settings menu.jpg
Click on the “Advanced Settings” button
See setting page open

Unlock System Settings.jpg
Click on Unlock Systems Settings at the top
This opens a “System Configuration” dialog box, Click Yes to confirm
Click OK to restarting now

The system will now pause and the screens will go blank (whilst it restarts the computer).
On restart, click OK on the “System now configurable” message

See the Quantum Home page open (and not the mixer program)


Access the test or other programs to be setup as required.

From the home page or otherwise extra setup programs are available

Click on the “Settings” button on lower screen bar
See the selection of programs available
Click on the “Advanced Settings” button

Lock System Settings.jpg

Make required changes

The mixer will store the settings for future use.

Click Lock System Settings button
Click OK to restarting now

The system will now pause and the screens will go blank (whilst it restarts the computer).
The system will now restart with the Quantum mixer program running.

Check operation as required

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