Introduction to HORM
HORM - Hibernate Once Read Many - is a Windows 7e function an equivalent to Ready On as
used on the older SD-series consoles based on Win XPe.
The functionality of this is slightly different. In the same way as Ready On, it protects the C:\ Drive
from unintended changes.
The method of making intended changes is quite different to the older system and is described
The main difference that is immediately seen between HORM and Ready-On is that there is no
command line path to start an application on startup.
*In the case of a corrupted preventing the console starting up correctly, holding the
SHIFT key will still offer the option of a “default start”. Hold the SHIFT key as soon as you see the
SD7 logo appear on the Master screen
External Monitor (EDID) registration & connection
External (overview) monitors connected with DVI connections all have a unique serial number
which the mixer OS must register. This is done ONE time only, for each monitor to be connected
to any given mixer (each engine independently) The OS HORM protection prevents registration
and must be switched off to enable the monitor to function.
The DVI-2 connection on the engine is covered in TN459. If used, the overview should be setup
first, before attempting to use DVI-2. The DVI-Test output is not used in normal operation and no
attempt should be made to connect to this.
Unlike other mixers in the SD series the external monitor is NOT connected to the mixer before
power up, before the first use. Should this be done the displays will usually arrange themselves to
a default setting meaning only the master screen is visible and others show an empty desktop.
Use of HORM system
The access the HORM system quit to Windows from the mixer program.
Touch “Quit to Windows” under the system button.
Click on the start button on the Windows task bar
See the selection of programs available
Click on Quantum 5 HORM
This will open the HORM operating window, showing that HORM protection is active (ON)
Click “OFF” the engine will immediately shut down and restart.
This about ½ minute to complete
The engine will return to Windows and HORM window showing “OFF” is active
Protection is now disabled and adjustments in the operating system can be made.
Connect the monitor to be “registered” at this point.
Right click on the desktop, see desktop menu open and click on Quantum5 Screen Settings
See the screen setup page open.
Ensure the screen layout is as follows.
If the layout of screen is not as shown this must be set.
Screen 6 is the overview and 7 & 8 are not connected
With a new screen connected the layout may default to a horizontal spread.
Use the mouse in the conventional manner to click and drag the screens so they match above.
Note how the edges align.
The system will detect the appropriate settings for the overview screen in use (Plug & Play
When the screens are correctly set up, click on apply and OK to close the window.
Important note: It is possible to repeat this process with several different examples of overview
screens and the operating system will detect and remember settings for each screen, so long as
the HORM protection is disabled. Several screens can be “paired” in one session.
If the same screen is used again, the setup will be recalled automatically without further
adjustment. Note this applies to specific individual screens, not models or types of screen in
Once the screen is correctly detected and setup, Close the setup Window
The HORM operating window will still be open, showing that HORM protection is inactive (OFF)
Click “ON” the engine will immediately shut down and restart.
This takes about ½ minute to complete
The engine will return to Windows and HORM window showing “ON” is active
Protection is now enabled and adjustments to the system can no longer be made.
Quit the engine back to Windows and repeat the whole above procedure on the other engine.