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Q338 Display Setup Guide (TN476)

Special notes

Quantum 2/3&8 series consoles only offer DisplayPort outputs. Only a direct DisplayPort connection should be used, adaptors to HDMI or other standards have been shown to not operate reliably. 

Displays with integrated touch are directly supported by the Display Port standard connection. This touch, if available on the monitor, will be found to operate on the overview screen, as this mimics the action of the mouse/trackball.


Use of System Settings function and overview screen setup

Introduction to System Settings Protection

The mixer operating system features a lock similar to HORM (Hibernate Once Read Many) and is a Windows 10 (embedded version) function an equivalent to Ready On as used on the older SD-series consoles based on Win XP(embedded version).
The functionality of this is slightly different but in the same way is intended to protect the C:\ Drive from unintended changes.

The method of making changes is quite different to the older system and is described below.
A difference that is immediately seen between this lock and Ready-On is that there is no white progress bar on start up.

*In the case of a corrupted preventing the console starting up correctly, holding the SHIFT key will still offer the option of a “default start”. Hold the SHIFT key as soon as you see the Quantum logo appear on the Master screen.

External Monitor (EDID) registration & connection

External (overview) monitors connected with DP (Display Port) connections all have a unique serial number which the mixer OS must register. This is similar to “pairing” devices in Bluetooth devices for example.
This is done ONE time only, for each monitor to be connected to any given mixer (each engine independently) The OS lock protection prevents registration and must be switched off to enable the monitor to function.

Unlike other mixers in the SD series the external monitor is NOT connected to the mixer before power up, before the first use. Should this be done the displays will usually arrange themselves to a default setting meaning only the master screen is visible on all screens. If this occurs, simply disconnect the screen and restart the mixer.

Important note:

It is recommended that external monitor used has a direct Display Port input connection and that in line adapters / converters (e.g DP to HDMI or DP to DVI) are not used. These have been found to either not work or provide inconsistent operation.

External Overview screen setup instructions follow below.

Use of Systems Settings feature to enable an Overview screen

The access System Settings quit to Windows from the mixer program.

Touch Quit to Windows under the system button.

Quantum Home.png

You will need to use the trackball or a USB mouse while outside the main console application.

Click on the Settings button on lower screen bar

See the selection of programs available

QH Settings Popup.png

Click on the Advanced Settings button to open the advanced settings window.

Click on Unlock Systems Settings at the top

This opens a System Configuration dialog box, Click Yes to confirm

Click OK to restarting now.


QH Advanced Settings.png

The system will now pause and the screens will go blank (whilst it restarts the computer).

On restart, click OK on the "System now configurable” message.

The console will start directly into Quantum Home and not the main application.

Click on the Settings button on lower screen bar then click on the Advanced Settings button.

Plug in the external overview screen to be used. Note the remaining screens may then show different images.

Under External screen the system will show the recommended resolution for the connected screen detected by the operating system. The mixer will support 4:3 and 16:9 monitors of various resolutions.

Select the orientation from the drop-down, Landscape, Portrait, Landscape inverted, Portrait inverted as required.

Click Configure All
This may change the images on remaining screens.

If required repeat the above process with any other screens intended to be “paired” with the mixer.

The mixer will store the setting for each screen connected for future use.

Click Lock System Settings button

Click OK to restarting now.

The system will now pause and the screens will go blank (whilst it restarts the computer).
The system will now restart with the Quantum mixer program running.

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